
The Choral Club of Tippecanoe County (Tippi) is under the direction of Jane Massey accompanied by Jon-Paul Hurt. Rehearsals are held after Labor Day from 5:30-7PM on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Monday of the month at Community Reformed Church, 2501 S 18th Street, Lafayette, IN (corner of 18th and Iroquois).
The Choral Club of Tippecanoe County, more fondly referred to as Tippi Chorus, was formed in April of 1934 by Dr. Albert Stewart. Tippi is currently directed by Jane Massey. Jane received her B.S. and M.S. from Indiana State University. She taught over 21 years at Clinton Central Schools and the last 17 years at Klondike Middle School in West Lafayette. She has recently retired from teaching. Ms. Massey was director of the Indiana State 4-H Chorus at Purdue University for ten years. In addition to directing Tippi Chorus and the Clinton County HomEchoes, she serves on the Board of the Indiana Extension Homemaker’s Chorus, Melody Makers of Indiana.
Tippi Chorus performs a variety of music and gives several concerts each year around Greater Lafayette and other areas of the State of Indiana. Each summer Tippi Chorus joins about 30 other county home extension choruses from around the State of Indiana to perform an evening concert on the Purdue University campus. This performance is open to the public at a nominal charge.
To contact the Tippecanoe Choral Club send e-mail to: Jane Massey
Lots to do in Tippecanoe County.